Doggy Delights
Long Island City Dog Walk, LLC believes that all dogs need individual attention during the day. Have the confidence knowing that your dog is being cared for on a personal level and not being treated as just one more in a pack of dogs. LIC Dog Walk is certified by the American Red Cross in Dog & Cat First-Aid, fully Licensed, Bonded & Insured through the Business Insurers of the Carolinas and is a member of Pet Sitters International. With LIC Dog Walk you receive real-time photos & updates of your dog during his or her appointment. LIC Dog Walk is active on social media outlets, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, so you can share your dog's daily adventures with friends & family!
Enjoying that sunshine
Wink! ;)
Mookie & Roscoe having a ball! Pun intended!
Welcome to Long Island City Dog Walk, Winston!
What a babe
Spenser & I enjoying the sunset
In their glory
Blowing in the wind!
Daphne stretchin' it out!
Sweet Io
Winnie shows me her funny faces :p
Welcome to Long Island City Dog Walk, PJ!!
Ahhh Woooooo!!
Join us at Pets on Parade! October 19th & 20th
Welcome to Long Island City Dog Walk, Winnie!
Dogs Are People, Too
A great article on MRI scanning being tested on dogs.
Article by Gregory Berns for the New York Times: Dogs Are People, Too
Happy Birthday, Roscoe!!
Today we celebrate Roscoe's 7th Birthday!
I made him a homemade peanut butter carrot cake for him & Mookie to enjoy tonight!