
Long Island City Dog Walk, LLC provides individual dog walking and dog care services. LIC Dog Walk is certified by the American Red Cross in Dog & Cat First-Aid, fully Licensed, Bonded & Insured through the Business Insurers of the Carolinas and is a member of Pet Sitters International. LIC Dog Walk is active on social media outlets, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, so you can follow your best friend's daily adventures!

Est. 2013 - 2023
We took pride in providing exceptional and experienced talent to care for our dogs and cats. It was an honor to be entrusted with the care of your furry loved ones for so many years.

In 2013 I began the journey from corporate life into entrepreneurship, building from scratch and eventually growing LIC Dog Walk into a thriving, fun, and well-respected local business, by both my loyal employees and loyal clients. Now, 9 years later, after much internal debate and a heavy heart, I have to say goodbye. After shutting down in 2020, due to NY State requirements, and then reopening, the business suffered too greatly and never truly bounced back.

As with any business there were ups and downs, but the ups far surpassed any of the downs. I am forever grateful for all that I've learned and experienced throughout the years and so proud of what LIC Dog Walk became. I want to sincerely thank you for the support to my team and myself throughout the years. It was a pleasure dedicating so much of my life to caring for and befriending your furry loved ones, as well as having the opportunity to build such wonderful relationships with so many of you.

Thank you!

Any interest in pet services may be directed to: SWIFTO